Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Class Day

Sorry, loyal followers, but no pics today. First class day, and it was busy but good. I DO know how to provide classroom support to faculty, that's for sure! Guess that's why they hired me. I just have to figure out how to communicate better with the AV crewmember from the Ukraine, Anatoli. SWEET guy, but the language barrier! Sign language? I'm just not sure.

We've had bigger waves today, enough to throw unsecured things like glasses to the floor of our cabins. But I love watching the horizon appear and disappear from the big ring of windows in the Fac/Staff lounge. I also love the rocking feel in bed at night, but it doesn't help me sleep! Hard beds, getting older, and no David, it's a sleepless combination!


  1. No seasickness? Lucky if you haven't. How soon til you get to Spain? Bill sailed the oceans blue when his family went to England when he was a wee child. I wonder if the trip is shorter nowadays?

  2. Nope, no seasickness so far. Very lucky. I think it's a faster trip these days, but still not VERY fast (how fast is 14 nautical miles per hour anyway?)
